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A New Chapter

Every organization has a story. Here is ours. In 1999 a group of passionate life advocates set out to build a pregnancy help center in Sonora that would save the lives of unborn children and serve families, helping them live abundant lives. By God’s inspiration and provision, and the hard work of the collective, Foothill Pregnancy Center was born. Since then, thousands of moms, dads, and babies have been blessed, loved on, and encouraged. Staff and volunteers have come and gone over these twenty plus years, but all are connected by hearts that served and loved everyone that walked through our doors. The diligence and efforts of our team (past and present) and you have also helped keep our doors open and our ministry flourishing.

Speaking of doors, we’ve had many of those over the years. Doors that have been opened as opportunities and doors that opened to the many spaces we have occupied. As we grew, so did our need to have more room in which to operate. In 2012 we landed in our current location, on the first floor of a perfectly positioned building. Situated near Sonora High School and Columbia College, our center has been a beacon of hope and blessing with good “flow” and adequate room to provide our services. Updates have been made to make the space efficient and beautiful. We have had favor with our landlords and have a very favorable lease. We’ve accomplished so much and have so many great memories of serving where we are.

We are now presented with an opportunity to trust God in the face of coming change. Our building owner is divesting some properties and after repairing the quirky and age related issues of the building, it will be put on the market. The dilemma with this is any new owners will likely raise our lease amount to current market value, which could double what we are paying now. This increased overhead would take funding away from our direct work of saving lives and supporting families. There is however a solution to this dilemma. But it requires a big step of faith and help from our friends and supporters.

Thankfully we have the first right of refusal to purchase our building. This is great news! The even better news is that there are long term tenants leasing out the other floors of the property. If we owned this building, we would utilize that tenant income to completely cover our mortgage and fund a maintenance account. We wouldn’t need to stop our services to find a new affordable property and relocate. We wouldn’t be at the mercy of low commercial property inventory. We would also have real estate investment to bolster our financial status, strengthening our organization.

The step of faith is believing the down payment will be provided. That is where our capital campaign and you can help. We need $250,000. We’ve come so far, serving so many. Please consider our campaign for your year-end giving. We have much work to do. Together we can continue building up families, defending life, and hearing stories of redemption. Building. Life. Stories. Thank you!


To Give: Please send checks to Foothill Pregnancy Center @ 427 N. Hwy 49, Sonora CA 95370 or tap button  below 

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Foothill Pregnancy Center

80 S. Forest Rd. Sonora, CA 95370

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We do not offer or refer for abortions or abortifacients, but are committed to offering accurate information about abortion procedures and risks.

© 2025 Foothill Pregnancy Center

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